I love ,
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 @ 8:26 AM
I feel very very happy cause someone briqhtens up my day . =D
Labels: life .
For the first time ,
Monday, August 30, 2010 @ 7:32 AM
Labels: i'm startinq to love my life .
But i'm ,
Saturday, August 28, 2010 @ 9:35 AM
And i've even forqet how a broken heart feels like , cause the pain is qone .
Labels: still me .
Happy people ,
Saturday, August 21, 2010 @ 9:23 PM
" People like you are the reason whyee i was born with middle fingers . I hate two faced people , it's so hard to decide which face to slap first ."
Labels: happy faces .
No more ,
Saturday, August 14, 2010 @ 10:35 PM
Thanks for showinq me all that cause now , i can finally let qo of everythinq that was underneath me .
My heart and my mind finally understands that yesterday remains as yesterday and today is another day .
No more pain , no more burden and no more keepinq anythinq to myself , Im finally free .
Labels: keepinq hold onto anythinq .
I love you ,
Dear close friends , I wanna thanked you quys for everythinq you've done . I'm really touched and it moves my heart for havinq qreat friends like you quys , i don't know how to thanked you quys , but i just wanna tell you quys that each and everyday , you quys made my day and i'm very thankful for havinq qreat friends like you quys . Thanks for takinq care of me , my feelinqs and most of all , thanks for understandinq me . You quys are my listeninq ear . I'm all riqht quys , trust me alriqht . (= Whatever i've seen or has happen to me , no matter how hard i fall i'll still stand , and all these is because of you quys . You quys made me understand and i've learnt to let qo of the past . Love you quys soo much , and i'm sorry if i've hurt any of you . I bet you quys think im emotional for writinq all these , but trust me , im fine , im alriqht and im smilinq , not a fake smile on my face , but a true one . And i didn't even shed a tear for what has happen . Im not the old Tasha you've known , but imma chanqed person , trust me . ((=
Love you quys ,
Yours sincerely ,
Labels: quys .
I'm turninq ,
Thursday, August 12, 2010 @ 7:42 AM
" I used to be the kind of qirl who kept it covered , i never let nobody see me for myself , i used to live inside a world undiscovered , lost inside the secrets that i never meant to tell . "
Labels: to the rythm of the niqht .
I live my life ,
I wish to have a happy life !
But in other hands , i appreciate for havinq qreat friends like izahbby & nyet staro and many more in my life .
Labels: not to please you .
Liqhten my burden ,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 @ 6:25 AM
Dear qod , i have a problem .
The problem is , me .
Ease the pain and stress that im facinq .
Liqhten my burden , brinq me happiness .
Labels: brinq me happiness .
I need to start ,
I need someone . . . .
Someone who could brinq me happiness ,
someone who could brinq joy to my life ,
someone who really cares and love me for who i am ,
someone who could really show me the true meaninq of love ,
someone who could make me lauqh throuqh my sad times ,
someone who could appreciate my love ,
someone whom i can trust ,
someone who would treasure me in my presence and not abandoninq me ,
someone , who is not a fiqhter , but a lover and will fiqht for what they love .
Someone , who could really understand my life , understand my situation , understand me . And most of all , someone who could quide me throuqh the liqht and tell me im safe in their arms & tell me they need me in their life .
Labels: a fresh life .
And one day ,
Friday, August 6, 2010 @ 9:34 PM
Labels: you'll qet back everythinq you qave me .
Treasure your friends ,
Try and look back at all your mistakes ,
and answer yourself ,
who has forqotten who ?
Labels: not makinq use of them and leave them .