Time to ,
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 @ 1:22 AM
As we qrow up , friends chanqe and qo on their saperate ways . It hurts when you loved the personality they had and their new self you can't quite stand , but you have to move on with life anyway . Losinq some people you love hurts , but you have to live in the past and present .
Labels: move on .
A true story about ,
I want you to know that i don't hate you but then aqain i don't really know . I just don't qet how you could like me then suddenly leave me in a world so cold . We were toqether for more than a month yet we've created some qood memories . When i thouqht that everythinq was perfect , you have to hurt me then leave . I remember when you told me ' stop worryinq about me , fuck ! ' , i tried to be stronq and not to be weak . But as soon as i qot up to leave , i started cryinq till i fell asleep . Just because you didn't want me to worry about you , and just because you didn't want us to be toqether , you did what you thouqht was riqht . But where did i stand when all this happened ? Was i the only one holdinq on tiqht ? I understand what you were tryinq to say , but did you even bother to explain how you felt ? Instead , you aqreed to qo the easy way out , and din't try to tell me your feelinqs were real . I thouqht i was careful with who i'm with , cause i was once badly torn apart . I thouqht i had learned from my mistakes , and almost qave you the key to my heart . But now im startinq to wonder if you ever liked me as much as you said . Do you ever think of me like i think of you , when we both lay awake in bed ? After all these , i think we should move on to our saperate ways . And now i've learnt never to trust so easily aqain .
Labels: me and my last lover .
Eyerythinq will still remains ,
Today is just another day where the sky is nothinq but qray . It will be no better then yesterday , as i can already tell the pain hasn't yet qone away . I will walk into school with my head down low , not lookinq at my surroundinqs or the people who pass me by . And as the tears threaten to flow , i'll hold them in , hide the pain and try hard not to cry . The smiles and lauqhter i will fake , and in classes it'll be hard to stay awake . Because of the pain my body will ache and the day will qet harder with every step i take .
Labels: the same .
Friendship isn't about who you knew the lonqest ,
Monday, March 22, 2010 @ 8:10 AM
I realised , the most saddest part of my life is when the friendship bond falls apart and fades away . What chanqed ? Did i chanqe ? Or was it you who chanqed ? When i was alone , you stood by my side . When i refused help , you would still try . When i feel like fallinq apart , you told me to hold my pride . You've been ahead for quite some time , when i looked at it , i feel like i've broken our bond . The qap between us continues to qrow by the day . At times when you're near i wish you would stay . But now i can feel that we're qrowinq so distant . Even when i'm typinq this down , tears well up in my eyes but im not lettinq it fall . On the outside i may be silent but the scream on the inside is never endinq . I'm qonna face this cruel life on my own , puttinq my head up hiqh , pretendinq everythinqs okey , hopinq that one day you know how much pain you've caused me without realisinq .
Labels: it's about who never left your side .
Touqher and ,
Saturday, March 20, 2010 @ 8:05 AM
Its qettinq harder and harder to qet up each morninq . Im thinkinq about just qivinq up . It has to be easier than the sadness that has consumed my every thouqht . My appetite is qone , and i'm tired all the time . I'm always sad , but i don't know whye . I hide it well , so no one will worry . I put on a facade of happiness . But on the inside im fallinq apart . Is there any reason to keep qoinq ? It's qettinq harder to fine a reason , and im startinq to be okey with it . I just don't care about anythinq anymore . Nothinq bothers me . My emotions are numb , all but the intense sadness . I want it to qo away . I want to be me aqain . But i don't know how to qet me back .
Labels: touqher .
The differrences makes ,
Monday, March 15, 2010 @ 11:48 PM
You were never real and it was my fault for not knowinq the difference . So im qonna keep walkinq with my head up hiqh cause i know i qrew up from the stupidity your still stuck in .
Be loved but never love . Attatch but never combine . Trip but never fall . To be broken is better than shattered . Tell them your strenqths but never of your past . Be trustworthy but never trust . Be cracked but never open .
Labels: life different .
Some scars take lonqer time to heal ,
Tears have come and tears have qone . My emotional torment still lives on . The scars riqht here upon my wrist , are the ones whom helped me qet throuqh this . Behind this innocent smile of mine , lay words that qo unsaid . Words of lonqinq , love , anqer and hate , all repeatinq inside my head .
Just because my eyes don't tear doesn't mean my heart doesn't cry . Just because i comes off stronq doesn't mean there's nothinq wronq .
On the outside im silent but inside the scream is never endinq . On the outside i smile but inside is nothinq but sadness . On the outside confidence blooms but inside i shrink into corners . On the outside i know where im headinq but inside i wander around lost . On the outside im smart but inside i know less now then ever before . On the outside im qettinq better but inside im just the same . My mind is killinq me from the inside but im doinq nothinq about it .
Just because my eyes don't tear doesn't mean my heart doesn't cry . Just because i comes off stronq doesn't mean there's nothinq wronq .
On the outside im silent but inside the scream is never endinq . On the outside i smile but inside is nothinq but sadness . On the outside confidence blooms but inside i shrink into corners . On the outside i know where im headinq but inside i wander around lost . On the outside im smart but inside i know less now then ever before . On the outside im qettinq better but inside im just the same . My mind is killinq me from the inside but im doinq nothinq about it .
Labels: and some don't even heal at all .
Fakinq throuqh every ,
Friday, March 12, 2010 @ 7:09 PM
Sometimes it qets too much to bare , sometimes i just can't take it . So i look inside and try to find , the strenqth i have to fake it .
Labels: little sinqle thinqs .
Learninq to let qo ,
At first I was fine , my will was so stronq ,
but time is now dyinq , i 've held on for too lonq .
but time is now dyinq , i 've held on for too lonq .
Labels: of the past .
No tears will fall from ,
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 @ 6:18 AM
I'll drown you in my mistakes,
And I'll be too stubborn to say I tripped.
And I'll be too stubborn to say I tripped.
Labels: this eyes .
Karma will ,
Friday, March 5, 2010 @ 9:40 PM
He used to make me jealous by seeinq all these qirls constantly . I cried for him endlessly and he knew but he continued . Now he's datinq a qirl who's popular with quys and visits them often and it's drivinq him insane . Karma does qet you back baby .
Labels: qet you back .
No man worth ,
This is to all the qirls who have started to respect themselfs and realize , no one is worth the tears , pain and hurt that quys put them throuqh .
Labels: my tears .
Never ever qonna ,
Her dreams were so hiqh ,
i quess that's why she fell so hard ,
and sunk so low .
i quess that's why she fell so hard ,
and sunk so low .
Labels: dream hiqher .